Centuries ago sailors relied on the lighthouses along the shoreline to guide their ships safely around Michigan. Nowadays there are not many Michiganders traveling the Great Lakes, but here is one lighthouse that is in the center of the lower mitten that guides motorists heading along the freeway. One of my favorite places to stop for a rest is the welcome center in Clare where U.S. 10 and 27 intersect. I usually need to use the restroom after drinking a 24oz of Faygo Redpop, and when I am done taking care of business, I can check out the brochures and tourist info they have for travelers. I can also get an old school paper map ( compliments of the state of Michigan) which I love to have instead of looking at my GPS. I wonder if the kids can even read a map, that technology is getting to be as ancient as the phone book.
Out behind the welcome center is a lighthouse tower. It may not be an old historic lighthouse that has saved many sailors lives, but it is still a beautiful tower watching the cars and trucks traveling past. There was a tower like this on in Monroe, but it was moved to St Ignace and is now an official aid to navigation. ( you can see my post about it HERE) Maybe someday this one will be called into active duty also but for now, I can stop by a visit it when I am traversing the middle of the L.P.
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