Here is the last photo my old camera will ever take. I was at the Grand Travers Lighthouse at the tip of the Leelanau Peninsula and I saw the sunlight reflecting off of the glass. I took a couple pics then readjusted my lens hit the shutter and “tink” then it made some strange shutter sounds and the photos were black. I think the shutter or mirror broke.
I had my camera ( canon 5d mark II if you are wondering ) since 2009. I am sure that I have taken more than half a million photos with it and possibly over a million. I took all my photos with it for Lost In Michigan, Lost In The States, Pure Saginaw along with, weddings, senior portraits, tons of sports photos and family memories. It’s kinda like loosing a friend. I think of all the photos that I took and it has gone with me on many adventures. Time for a new camera I guess. I can’t complain the old one lasted a long time and I probably take more photos than most photographers. It may have been my camera’s last photo but I have many more I want to take and hope I am around for a long time to take them.
P.S. I could get my old camera repaired but I will probably cost more to repair it than its worth. I already had it fixed about 5 years ago.