Narcissa Page (or Paige since I have seen it spelled both ways), owner of the Page House hotel in St. Louis, built this mansion in 1884. Her contractor, Mr. Leach, built Col. Elwell’s “castle” down Delaware Street at the same time. you can see my post about it HERE I read somewhere that the tower on the house was built so Narcissa could see her hotel from it. Mrs. Page’s daughter Lillian lived with her and she married George Charles who owned a drug store downtown and built the Charles Building. Sadly George passed away at an early age of 44 and soon after Lillian’s mother died at the age of 80 years old leaving Lillian to live in the house alone for almost 50 years.
People think there is a tombstone in front of the house, but it is actually a carriage stone with the name Page on it. A carriage stone served as a stepping stone to help passengers as they climbed in and out of carriages and were popular back in the horse and buggy days of the 19th century.
There are stories of the house being haunted and Susan Wood who lived in the house with her family was kind enough to message me about living there. She told that she never felt the house was “haunted” but she felt that Lillian’s spirit was still present in the house. “Locked doors opened and closed on their own, things would come up missing only to found in a totally random place a few days later, you could hear her moving up and down the massive staircase as the steps would creak.” The house has been vacant for years and the neighbors have said they have seen a woman in the window and have heard piano music come from inside the house.
as far as I know, the house is still privately owned, so please do not trespass and be respectful, I know I should not have to say it, but a few people out there don’t think very well and do stupid things.
You can read about other Interesting locations in the Mitten State with a Lost In Michigan book Available HERE or on Amazon HERE
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