The Jeffers Memorial fountain stands in downtown Saginaw. It stands in a small park dedicated to early saginaw pioneer Michael Jeffers. After his death, his brother and niece donated land and money for a park. It was decided that a drinking fountain for the citizens of Saginaw was needed. This beautiful fountain with a bust of Jeffers on the top and lion heads spewing water out of their mouths was built. It was dedicated in 1906 and the water came from a well that was drilled below. There was also a space where Ice could be placed around pipes to cool the water. Cups connected to the fountain were placed for people to drink from. It was not until 1915 that the health department decided it was not a good idea to have thousands of people sharing and drinking from the same cup and removed them from the fountain.
P.S. The ornate building behind the fountain with the tower is the Castle Museum. If you are in the area, be sure to stop by and check it out. you can see my post about it HERE.
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