The short version of the story is two sizes of Lost In Michigan wall calendars are available on HERE
The longer version of the story is with covid and the issues I had with the Post Office losing several of my packages, and not doing presentations or bazaars, I have decided not to print my own calendars this year. I found that can print and ship calendars for me. It is not ideal and the pricing is higher than what I prefer but they usually have coupon codes to lower the price. It’s not what I wanted but I have had people ask me about wall calendars so if you want one you can order them from HERE Note: There are two different sizes, an 8.5×11 and an 11×14
Thank you all so much for your support. Your kindness has meant a lot to me over the years I have been doing my website. I have met so many wonderful people in person or virtually. I do my best to post things you will enjoy reading and although things have changed this year I am continuing doing what I have been and that is exploring Michigan and finding interesting places and stories to share.