I previously shared a post about an intriguing railroad car located in Dollar Settlement, near Brimley. Thanks to the kindness of several commenters, I’ve uncovered some fascinating details about its history. Thank you to Steve and Pauline.
Dollar Settlement owes its name to Joseph “Joe” Dollar, a local legend who navigated the waters of Lake Superior, delivering essential mail and supplies to the region’s inhabitants. His modest log cabin stood on the lakeshore, just north of the railroad car’s current resting place.
The railroad car arrived as a hopeful replacement for Louise’s Hamburger Stand, a beloved local eatery. The plan was to transform it into a new dining destination, carrying on the legacy of Louise’s famous, secret hamburger sauce recipe. Unfortunately, this dream was never realized.
Carol Eccleston and her son John, Louise’s granddaughter and grandson, were the driving force behind this ambitious project. However, Carol’s declining health and limited resources hindered their efforts. Despite facing zoning challenges from the local township, which they ultimately overcame, the extensive restoration required for the rail car proved too daunting. Today, the car remains a silent testament to a dream deferred, serving only as a storage space for the family.
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