If you have been reading my posts for a while you might remember me asking about taking a rid on the SS Badger back in the spring. I took my trip across Lake Michigan on the historic ferry and I figured I should do a post about my trip.
I came across on October 15, 2022 from Manitowoc. It was a Saturday and the second to the last trip of the season. There was a light breeze and the weather was nice. A little chilly but that can be expected in October. The crew loaded the jeep and my wife and I sat in the lounge and played badger bingo during the trip. I was lucky enough to win a round and got a can koozie for my prize.
The old ship rolled side to side but it never bothered me. Sitting down I did not notice it that much but when walking around you had to be careful as the deck moved around underneath your feet. As far as crossing go, I am not sure if it was average or smoother than others but It was a nice crossing. I am not sure what it would be like in a storm but I thought the crossing was great.
My wife and I really enjoyed the trip and it made for a fun adventure. I recommend if you get a chance to do it that you should and I hope I get the chance to do it again sometime.
P.S. If you want to see some of my pics and stories from Wisconsin be sure to check out my other website Lost In The States HERE
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