I saw this old house hiding in the woods near Posen, north of Alpena. I was told the American Dream was that every generation has a better standard of living than the previous generation. Seeing the old farm houses in northern Michigan makes me wonder how challenging it must have been for the family who grew up in those houses, and their hard work made it better for their children and their children’s children. I can only imagine what it must have been like going into town with a horse and buggy or an old model T. and now the old house sits abandoned as modern cars whizz by at 60 mph on a nice paved road.
I hope my kids have it better than I did, and I know I have it better than my parents and grandparents. I am not sure how well I am contributing to the American dream, but I figure if I can make today better than yesterday, it will make this year better than last year. so lets hope for a better 2017 than 2016
P.S. I have lots more good stuff to post and more interesting places to visit in Michigan. I am planning to finally get down to the southwest part of the state, I hope you will continue to follow me and enjoy what I post.
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